Adelaide Lures In More Investors
Adelaide is starting to attract more investors because of the city’s “great value dollar-for-dollar,” according to a report by...

Bank of mum and dad growing the divide between those who can and those who can't buy property
The latest Adelaide Bank/REIA Housing Affordability Report shows affordability is worsening, just as new research from Mozo shows...

First-home buyers are back in the market
Government policies have caused a "dramatic increase" in the involvement of first-home buyers in the market, says Tim Reardon of the HIA....

Where Should You Buy Your Investment Property?
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Good Debt vs Bad Debt
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What is Rental Yield & are You Calculating it Correctly?
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Top Tips For Property Investment Success In 2016
2015 was a very interesting year for property investors. We’ve had unprecedented growth throughout the Sydney and the Melbourne market....