Why landlords need insurance
While ownership of an investment property can provide significant financial benefits, many landlords want assurance that their property...

Benefits of purchasing off-the-plan
Claiming property depreciation can save you thousands Investors who are looking to purchase a new property often look at buying ...

5 Depreciation points every investor should know.
Any owner of an income producing investment property is eligible for significant taxation benefits. Despite this fact, according to the...

Common property investing mistakes & how to avoid them
Investment of any nature is never an exact science and the property market is no exception. Interest rate changes, fluctuations in supply...

Your 2015 Property Depreciation Checklist
With the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) encouraging rental property owners to be vigilant when preparing their annual income tax...
Top Property Investor Tips
Property investing success requires groundwork before purchasing your first investment property. Here are some top tips to help you...